Enter here the stack size of the simulated computer. This sets up a limit for it; when the Stack Pointer goes beyond this limit a stack overflow error occurs. The limit is obviously (stack base - stack size), because the stack grows downwards in memory. Enter here the value you want to store into the Stack Pointer when this application starts up, and when you choose Reset Registers from the Control Menu. This is usually called the stack base. Enter here the value you want to store into the Program Counter when this application starts up, and when you choose Reset Registers from the Control Menu. To execute ∞ loops in the microprogram, click here. To detect ∞ loops in the microprogram, click here. The processor is expected to execute periodically the first few instructions in the microprogram in order to fetch instructions from memory. To scroll the Dump window in the usual way, click here. To watch the memory contents while moving the scroll box of the Dump window, click here. To leave windows in their standard position between sessions, click here. To remember window positions between sessions, click here. To cancel changes you have made to the current preferences, click here. To accept changes you have made to the current preferences, click here. Use this pop-up menu to display the number in different forms. Here you can modify the value. To cancel changes you have made to this value, click here. To accept changes you have made to this value, click here. The assembler will output conventional instructions starting from the main memory location entered here. To cancel changes you have made, click here. To accept assembling from this memory location, click here.